How An SEO Writer Handled 100 Articles In a Short Period Of Time?


Recently, I received an email from a frazzled SEO writer. She had a problem most freelance writers would love to have. She was swamped all of a sudden, having to write 115 SEO articles in a short amount of time. She needed help, so sent me the following email, saying in part:

Do you remember the SEO person who contacted me for about 50 pages? Well, long story short he was so impressed with my work that he just contracted me for 65 more pages, bingo, I gave him a great bulk discount rate as well for giving me extra work to produce.

I wanted to ask you a question about outsourcing. It looks quite promising that I can hit my 6 figure objective by following that route. If I outsource, I don’t see how I can make a profit when I am offering bulk writing rates and outsource the work, I can still do that but the profit margin would be slim. Do you have any advice on how to catch that? Now sharing a secret to it, you can still not outsource and using the paraphrasing tool that could serve as the outsourcing platform, didn’t get it well visit the tool and you will see the magic.

Why SEO Copywriters Can Get To Buy So Quick

As an aside, I just want to mention that SEO copy writing is a career where you can have nothing going on one week, and be swamped with work the next week. And, as clients need lots of continuous content to keep their site floating near the top of search engine results, you can find yourself getting article orders of 10, 50, or 20 or more at one time.

As an SEO content provider since 2015, I speak from first-hand experience here.  Read on. How to Handle Large SEO Article Writing Orders Quite frankly, you have to outsource some of it if the deadline is short. And, this is why it pays to price your SEO writing services with this in mind from the very beginning. While it may lose you some jobs, it will hurt your ability to grow in the long run because you’ll get burnt out. Your writing will suffer and you’ll lose clients anyway.

I’ve had great success recruiting freelance writers to help me via my websites, both of which are aimed at freelance writers. You can do the same by simply placing an ad on your writing site.

Other effective outlets to recruit writing talent are free classified ad sites like Craigslist and the back page. You’ll have to wade through a lot of unqualified freelancers to find the good ones, but if you can get a stable of three of four that you can turn to when bulk SEO writing orders like the one this freelancer landed come in, it will make turning a profit – and working less – so much easier.

What Is SEO Writing?

FYI, never heard of search engine optimization (SEO) writing? You can learn SEO by taking an SEO copywriting training class (it only takes about a week) — and start earning $75,000 to $100,000 your first year as an SEO writer.

Author: admin

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