From compulsory masks to Hand Sanitizers & disinfectant spray, Here’s the ‘new normal.’

From compulsory masks to Hand Sanitizers & disinfectant spray, Here’s the ‘new normal.’


After almost six months of nationwide lockdown to combat the Coronavirus pandemic, things are slowly returning to track with several cities, offices, institutions re-opening. In comparison with the pre-covid situation, there are drastic changes in the way people live, act and work. Ever since the unlock phase has begun, the world has also gravitated itself to the new normal. People are aware that they cannot afford to crowd, and hence social distancing is the best way to stay safe from the virus. Along with this, it is also significant for us to practice protective measures like hand washing, using face masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning and disinfecting to reduce the spread of the virus. Proactive protection is the new normal. People are looking forward for the new year. Things are changing and opening up.

Let’s get to know how people are proactively taking steps for protecting themselves from the virus:

Face masks: The government mandates the use of a face mask or shield whenever you’re stepping out from home. Wearing a mask is expected to slow down the spread of Coronavirus. When you’re wearing a mask, make sure you adjust the mask so that it properly fits over the nose, mouth and chin. This will help in comfortable breathing and speaking. Before and after touching the face mask, it is imperative to wash hands for at least 20 seconds.

Hand sanitizer: Hand sanitizer is a quick option to keep your hands hygienic and germ-free. Most sanitizers contain alcohol content that can be harmful to your skin. In such circumstances, you can choose Dr Rhäzēs Ultra Protect Gel, a hand sanitizer that gives non-stop protection for 2 hours. –

Disinfectant spray: Proper cleaning and disinfection of home or any other area should be carried out as a precautionary measure to stop the spread of the Covid-19. You never know which object or surface could have traces of the virus. When you’re indoors, frequently surfaces like switches, doorknobs, handles, sinks, toilets, car handles, door knobs, kitchen counters, elevator, Keyboard, Remotes, among others should be cleaned first and then sprayed with Dr Rhäzēs 7-Day Surface Disinfectant Shield. Dr Rhäzēs 7 Day Surface Disinfectant Shield kills 99.9% viruses and bacteria and keeps the surface protected for 7 days. The disinfectant combines the benefits of Chloroxylenol (PCMX) along with active silver ions and uses nanotechnology to deliver highly effective and long-lasting sanitizing effects.

Hand gloves & PPE kits: Not just frontline workers are using PPE kits and hand gloves, if you’re a frequent traveller, you should opt for the above items for added protection. PPE kit covers all parts of the body and minimizes the risk of the virus. You can choose a disposable or washable kit, depending on your convenience.

These are the four most important protocols that every individual should follow. Apart from these, you should abide by the following safety tips:

  • Washing hands with soap and water are the safest way to prevent Coronavirus.
  • Minimize physical contact with people who are at high-risk for contracting the Coronavirus.
  • Practice hygiene protocols such as tissues, using hand sanitizers, soap, disinfectant wipes or sprays
  • Discourage handshake if you’re meeting someone to avoid transmission of the virus

If any person in your family is feeling sick, he/she should isolate himself/herself in a separate room to prevent the spread of germs.

Author: admin

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